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The price displayed for this product is the unit price of the product. Where a PACK SIZE is indicated, this refers to the recommended ordering quantity and is also indicative of how many of these products are packaged in a box.
  • Stock: 15
  • Model: KPS5503
  • Weight: 0.14kg
  • Pack Dim: 40.00mm x 92.00mm x 92.00mm
  • UPC: 6009600402294
R 1,571.88
Ex VAT: R 1,366.85

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Pro-Tech. South African favourite for over 30 YearsFace Mould router bit
Decorative profile

Classical cove edge profile bit by Pro-Tech

Give your furniture and cabinets a classic, architectural look with this unique molding router bit. Perfect for chair rails, crown molding, door casings, trim, pilasters, window casing/sills, baseboards and picture frames, you can use the full profile, or just a portion of it to achieve the look you want.

The timber is held securely against the fence and the bit makes the cut. This leaves you free to feed the timber steadily - and your hands can safely be a long way from the cutters. Plan to cut the profile in several passes - taking only a small amount off on the last cut to get the best quality. Features two flutes and a 3/8" ball bearing guide.

Classical Cove bit profile This two-flute router bit is well balanced, eliminating vibration that degrades the cut finish.

This router bit has a 6.35mm shank (shaft) that will fit most small or large routers with the correct size collet. Please ensure that you select a router bit with a shank (shaft) size that will fit into your router collet.

PRO-TECH router bits are manufactured in Taiwan.

Router Bit Maintenance

Fortunately, this is pretty easy. The best way to prolong the life of a router bit is to keep it clean. And what you need to do varies with the type of bit.

Note: Sharpening is extremely important too.

Bits with Bearings:

To clean bits with bearings, first, remove the bearing. Then clean the bit as you did with non-bearing bits.

It&s important to remove the bearings because even though router bearings are "sealed," resin remover can sneak in and dissolve the bearing grease. If this were to happen, you would be faced with the problem of trying to lubricate a sealed bearing.

Despite the claims of bearing grease sellers, we&ve never had much luck with this. Once that grease is gone, just go buy a new bearing.

Bit Shanks:

Periodically inspect the shanks of your router bits for rust or burrs. Either of these can be removed quickly with ScotchBrite®. Left on, they can interfere with your ability to properly tighten the bit in the collet.

Descriptions for classical cove router bits from PRO-TECH

Part No. Shank dia. Cutting width Cutting Height Radius
KPS5503 ½ inch 1 1/8 inch 1 5/8 inch 5/64 inch
12.7 mm 28.6 mm 41.3 mm 2 mm


Length of Shank: 38 mm

Classical cove router bit profile wood example


Take CareFull Speed

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